Spiritual Bypassing: Using Your Triggers to Heal Yourself

The term “spiritual bypassing” came into my awareness a few years ago. I had begun to notice how many in the spiritual community would say one thing and do another, without conscious awareness they were doing it. So, as a friend, I would bring it to their attention, and most of the time, the relationship would be terminated. I struggled with this complexity, and examined my own role in this cycle of behavior. I was definitely in a judgmental space with it, and so, I chose one of the people who irritated me the most, and began to ask myself, “What is this person mirroring for me? Why am I attracting this energy?”. The results were interesting, as I observed my initial Egoic response, with strong resistance to me being “wrong”.

If you have been following my journey over these past few years, you have witnessed my greatest spiritual awakening. All who have been a part of my journey, have assisted me simply by reflecting back to me, my greatest shame, fear, and anger. You have also reflected back to me friendship, love, and purpose; and for all of this I am extremely grateful to you.

As I went down this “rabbit hole” of observant thought, I kept asking myself “WHY?”, as a response to any self limiting belief. Soon, I got to the bottom of the hole, and found the Core Picture; that energetic wound which has created the pattern in the present. I can then talk to my inner child, and update my timeline. In the days that followed, I started to notice that I wasn’t irritated AT ALL about things that would normally infuriate me. The neighbor’s dog is barking all day? Not an Issue. I get behind the slowest driver on a 2 lane highway? Totally at peace.

Next time you are triggered by something, or someone, ask yourself, “What is this person mirroring for me?” and step back from your Ego. Self healing is all about observing your thoughts and using the triggers as a lighthouse, guiding you to the wound that needs healing the most. I like to use golden suns and a grounding cord to sit with the energy in as neutral as a space as is possible. Sometimes I have to remind myself, “It’s not about them” more than once. The more you focus on your role, which is the only thing you can change, the better you will get at spotting it sooner, and eventually, you will be shifting out of the energy before you visibly react. It will become a habit to focus within when you are triggered, and thus: reversing the Victim role you have played in the past.

I love you!!!! Andrea

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The Truth Always Wins

"Truth" is another term that has become overused and diluted by Ego. If we think we know the "truth", then we (Ego) feels the need to convince everyone around us that they must agree with our version, or they are wrong. This baffles me, time and time again: Why is your version of the truth the only one? What level of arrogance pulls you to this conclusion, that you are the end of the line on any information? We don't need to make everyone else wrong in order for us to be right. 

Every Perception is Valid 

I prefer to look at it like this: MY version of the truth is valid.......as is yours, his, hers, and theirs. Perception is the name of the game in this scenario. If you can truly realize that everyone's perception is 100% valid, you can let go of that part of your Ego which traps you every time. If you are a teacher, speaker, or other kind of information dispenser, you will find yourself in situations where many people want to hear what you have to say, and you may get a lot of people to agree with your perception. However, there is always going to be at least one person who raises questions, and challenges your beliefs and information. This is such a great opportunity for you to grow and shift, if you choose to take it that way. 

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Your Beliefs Are Your Own

You are allowed to believe and think whatever you choose for your reality. Let's not confuse your opinion as fact, however. The cool thing about this concept is that is frees you, and everyone else, of needing others to validate your inner truth. You are the only one who can validate this for yourself, and even of you do get a few people (usually your friends) to agree with you, it isn't really true until YOU believe it. What if you had a belief that a group of people were "out to get you"? You might choose to go around and tell your friends how you are being targeted energetically, and these people are terrible, and so on. Pretty soon, you have spread this belief all over the place, and even though this group may or may not be "after you", you have created a vibe of mistrust and even the expectation that you are a target. This is energetic suicide, and all you have to do to change it, is to change your filter, and shift your belief. What if you went all over town with the belief that everyone loves you and accepts you just as you are? What kind of vibe do you think you would create with that? 

You choose your own reality, and if you can truly embrace that concept, you are limitless in your power to create the life that you desire! Today, create awareness around a limiting belief that you may have, and experiment with a new thought pattern, in the name of changing your Truth. It may be painful at first, as all new patterns tend to have an uncomfortable air about them at first, but you will get the hang of it, in due time. 

For more information and to learn energetic tools that will help you shift your limiting beliefs, email me or check out the video on my Home page.