Andrea Garst

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Living Consciously

I love the above poem, it has been one of my favorites since I was a very young girl. Before I ever heard of Eckhart Tolle, before I ever read The Four Agreements, my higher self knew the truth: enjoy each moment, for it is all you have. Appreciate what is right in front of you, and enjoy it as much as possible. I once heard Pema Chodron talk about being in the moment with brushing her teeth. How many things do we do in a day on autopilot? How many times have you driven home and not really remembered the trip? 

Recently, I realized that my self imposed dating hiatus has stretched from six months, to eight, and soon will be coming up on a year! I am a little impressed with myself, if I am honest. I mean, I used to be desperately afraid of being alone, and now, I feel pretty comfortable with it. I will always enjoy being with people, I AM an extrovert, but these days, I have found a happy balance. I recently met someone who I briefly considered for a possible partner, but it soon became obvious that we were just to be friends, and I am happy with that. I no longer need to sexualize all my experiences, because I understand my value is much more than that, and I value myself, as well as my friends, in ways that FAR transcend mere physical intimacy. I enjoy hugs, and conversations, in ways that I had never really allowed in the past, since I was so busy focusing on the sexual energy. 

The other amazing thing that has happened since I took my focus off dating, is that my creativity has exploded, resulting in new creative outlets, and a couple of new business ventures. I have been asked to teach meditation at a local school, and my Unicorn Alchemy business is booming! I was able to leave my job at the flower shop, and focus on what I love FULL TIME! Dating never helped me with any of that stuff, but I sure spent a TON of time and energy on it. Retrospection is an interesting tool. You can use it to punish yourself, or to validate yourself. Honestly, I struggle with it from time to time, but I like to think that most of the time, I use it for validation. 

I still have days where I feel sad, and allow myself to fantasize about having a partner who totally gets me and appreciates my value, but I don't get lost in those things any longer. I have amazing friends, a career that I am passionate about, and a healthy body which takes me places every day!