Andrea Garst

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What happened to the world?

I love myself and others, and I am a caring, compassionate woman. The fact I don’t subscribe to a certain set of religious beliefs is only a small part of who I am, and it certainly doesn't define me as a “problem.” I believe in a God who loves me, and doesn't care that I don’t participate in organized religion. Many have been deemed by religious groups as “bad” and “sinful,” but are just hurting and in need of a non-judgmental hand to help them out of their own anger and self-hatred, much as I did. Judging others and telling them they are “bad” is not helpful. In fact, it drives people to hate themselves, and, in time, they stop caring about others, too. The world is hurting, and it is NOT because they aren't all sitting in the pews of the church. It is because we have judged and blamed each other to the point where no one is really taking responsibly for their own behavior any more. 

Many are in transition at this time on the planet, and we need to be compassionate with each other, and ourselves, during this time. To me, it feels like "waves" of energy, washing over me, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes intense, sometimes mellow. I appreciate it all as a part of the human experience. When you have a great day, appreciate it and spend time in gratitude. When you are having a tough day, you can remember your last wave with even more appreciation, and know that it will pass, maybe leaving some gifts behind as it goes, in the form of life lessons. If you bury your pain, it will not ever bear the fruit of the lesson. I am not a fan of the expression, "no pain, no gain," but in this case, it is true. The pain is what creates the growth that is needed for you to evolve. Denying it, and numbing it, simply prolongs the inevitable which is your lesson. It will keep coming back until you finally learn what you are meant to learn.

I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing evolving souls in the past few months, and their joy and appreciation for the process has reawakened my own gratitude. Surround yourself with those who you aspire to become, and they will support your process. If you continue to rotate in the same patterns and beliefs which have created your unfulfilled and unhappy life, you will not be able to move out of that space. You have to make different choices to get different results. 

Are you pursuing your passions every day? Ask yourself, "If I could do anything, and be 100% guaranteed of success, what would I do?" The answer is your passion. You may be lucky enough to get your answer right away, or maybe you are even already practicing your passion! For most, it will be a process of asking yourself that question every day for a period of time, to shed the layers of obligation and responsibility which keep most of us hidden from our truth. We hide our passions in layers of unworthiness, doubt, and energetic agreements with others. 

This is YOUR time. Use it wisely.