Andrea Garst

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Authentic Living aka Finding your Inner Truth

Let me start with a shocking revelation: I am human, and I enjoy every facet of that experience. When I am feeling sad, or angry, and someone says to me, "But aren't you supposed to be this big spiritual teacher?" I say, " How can I teach it if I do not live it?" The human experience is all about ups and downs. I enjoy having the capacity to feel the full range of emotions. When my heart is hurting, do I enjoy it? Of course not, but when I am done processing it, and I have learned a little bit more about myself, I come out on the other side stronger, and a little bit wiser. And, the next time someone comes to me and has a broken heart, I can say, "I understand how you feel, and let me show you what worked for me." THAT is the value, as far as I am concerned. 


When I used to feel pain, I would employ many of the coping strategies which are readily available to any of us today. Shopping, drinking, eating, sex, drugs, etc., are all completely accepted and even encouraged in today's society. But, what I found, is that the moment you trade your pain for one of these distractions, you miss the lesson, and are doomed to repeat it over and over again until you get it. If you never get it, you become stagnant, and are likely depressed and miserable in that rut. I meet people every day who are stuck, and feel that they have no choices. "But I have to keep this job, or I can't pay my bills," is one that I hear a lot. "I have to stay in this relationship because I don't want to hurt the other person," is another one. In the end, you are hurting yourself, and you are unhappy, and that is a direct result of choices. There are all kinds of truth out there, which one will you choose for yourself? 

When you choose your truth, and your happiness, others (who are stuck in that old paradigm of pleasing everyone but themselves), will not like it, and may become angry with you, or tell you "You hurt me!" This is not accurate. We all have pain, and in the past, have looked to others to heal it for us. This is the old relationship paradigm that I have talked about a lot lately. We have been taught to put others before ourselves, and to avoid hurting people's feelings, at all costs. The new energies are encouraging us all to step into our own truths, and each of us to heal our own pain. For example, when you feel that someone "hurt" you, look deeper. What hurts you? That the other person stopped loving you? Why? Do you truly love yourself? Then what others think of you does not determine your value, and you can allow them to go on their way, as they are honoring their truth, which is actually loving themselves. You can both move on, and find places and people who match up with you better. It doesn't have to be a giant healing circle all day, every day. We can each find our inner love, and open the door for anyone to come in and share it, but no one can take it away from us. 

I encourage each of you to examine all your old attachments and beliefs, and really ask yourself if you are honoring your truth with all of those. If the answer is no, why are you still in them? Obligation? If so, are you truly happy and 100% fulfilled? If each of us fully stepped into our truth, what a beautiful world it would be!